How to clean a Frigidaire induction cooktop

Frigidaire induction cooktops are amazing! They’re easy to use, don’t require high amounts of energy to work and best of all, they deliver consistent results. But despite their growing popularity, most Frigidaire induction cooktop owners don’t know how to clean them.

If you own a Frigidaire induction cooktop or planning to purchase one but don’t know how to clean it, you’re in the right place! The guide below will provide you with techniques that you can use to clean your Frigidaire Induction Cooktop. Read on!

How Do You Clean a Frigidaire Stove Top?

Here are a few methods you can use to clean a Frigidaire stove top:

1. Cleaning with Induction Cooktop Detergents and Cleaners

If you are cleaning your unit using detergents and cleaners, ensure the detergents you use are safe and environmentally friendly. We also recommend you purchase a multipurpose detergent/cleaner. The detergent will help save time and money on cleaning. 

2. Cleaning with Toothpaste

Yes, you read that right; you can clean your unit using toothpaste. How do you do it? Easy: take a good amount of toothpaste (Don’t worry about the type of toothpaste; any regular toothpaste will get the job done). Next, spread it on your induction hob using your fingers—both in stainless steel as well as glass area. Spray a small amount of water on your unit and used a damp sponge or cloth to scrub across the induction hob. Scrub until all the stains and markings go away. 

Once you get rid of the stains and dirt, wipe the entire surface of your cooktop with a damp cloth. You can also polish it to give it a shiny look. 

3. Clean Induction Cooktop Baking Soda

Choose the best cleaning detergents to avoid damaging your cooktop. You can also use baking soda to clean your hob. But your baking soda can’t be effective on its own. You need to mix it with soapy water or vinegar.

4. Cleaning with Soapy Water and Baking soda

Steps to follow: To get started, you’ll need dip 5-6 soft cloths in hot soapy water. The number of clothes you dip in the soapy water will depend on the size of your induction surface. The larger the surface is, the more clothes you’ll need. You can use your regular dishwashing or kitchen cleaner to make and water to make soapy water. Next, take a fair amount of baking soda and sprinkle it all over the cooktop surface. Make sure every part of the induction surface is covered with baking soda. 

Now squeeze the soft cloths in such a way that they are wet but not too wet. Place them on the cooktop surface. (Yes, on top of the baking soda) leave them for 20 minutes and 30 minutes if your unit has some stubborn stains. After that duration, place your palm on the cloth, and rub gently. Any spills and stains on your cooktop will start coming off. 

5. Cleaning with Vinegar and Baking soda

Mix one-half cup of distilled water and one-half cup of vinegar in a spray bottle. (White vinegar would be ideal for this task). Give the mixture a light shake and spray the mixture on your induction hob. Leave it for 3 to 4 minutes. After that duration is over, wipe down with a damp sponge, cloth, or towel and then sprinkle baking soda. Leave it for 20 minutes.

We have seen people spread baking soda on the vinegar and water mixture, and the results have been the same. So, there’s no problem if you spread the baking soda over the water and white vinegar mixture.

Next, wipe out the baking soda using a damp cloth, towel, or scrub. Watch as all stains and carbon deposits disappear.  Finally, use a dry cloth to buff off the excess. 

On a more general approach, if you want to clean your induction cooktop perfectly, the infographic below will help you do just that!

How to Clean an Induction cooktop Naturally_page-0001

How Do You Clean a Black Frigidaire Stove Top?

If your Frigidaire stovetop is black, it means it is probably covered with burned spills and stains. To solve this problem, you’ll need to clean your unit using vinegar and baking soda. It should be pretty effective. If the stains on your hob are less stubborn, you can use warm water and an induction cleaner to wipe off the stains. 

How Do You Clean a Burnt Induction Cooktop?

You can remove the burnt residues on your unit using a plastic scraper and wet towel. Caution: Make sure your cooktop is cool enough to the touch, or else it might burn the plastic. If the burnt residue is tough and hard to clean, use a scraper or razor to get rid of it. Be extremely careful when using a razor to scrub residue to avoid scratching the induction glass.

Once you remove all the burnt residues, spray some white vinegar on your induction; it’ll help tone down scratches/marks. Use a soft, dry cotton cloth to wipe out the vinegar. 

Can You Use Windex on an Induction Cooktop?

Can you use Windex on a glass stove top? Yes, you can. Windex is safe and contains properties that will keep your induction hob clean, and free from bacteria and viruses. 

Final Words

With the techniques mentioned above, you can be sure you’ll be able to keep your Frigidaire Cooktop shining and clean at all times. Make sure you follow them. Happy cleaning!

Common Questions

What is the best way to clean a Frigidaire induction cooktop daily?

The best daily cleaning for a Frigidaire induction cooktop is to wipe down the surface with a soft, damp microfiber cloth after each use. This prevents food residue from baking on and removes minor splatters or smears. Avoid abrasive scouring pads.

How should I deep clean my Frigidaire induction cooktop?

For a more thorough deep cleaning, use an induction cooktop cleaner weekly. Cerama Bryte and Weiman Glass Cook Top Cleaner work well. Rub the cream cleaner onto the cool cooktop and let it sit for 5 minutes before scrubbing gently with a non-abrasive pad. Rinse and dry completely.

What is the easiest way to remove burnt-on stains?

For stubborn burnt-on stains, make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply and let sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing with a soft sponge. Or use a razor scraper angled at 30 degrees while applying pressure. Avoid abrasive scouring powders.

How can I get rid of scratches on my Frigidaire induction cooktop?

Very fine scratches can be buffed out using a jeweler’s rouge cloth or induction cooktop scratch remover polish. Rub the polish in a circular motion. Avoid coarse scratches by always lifting cookware instead of sliding.

What should I not use to clean my Frigidaire induction stove?

Avoid abrasive scouring pads, steel wool, and powdered cleansers which can mar the cooktop surface. Acidic cleaners like vinegar or lemon juice can also etch or discolor the glass over time. Do not use cooktop cleaning sprays.

How can I prevent future stains on my Frigidaire induction cooktop?

Always wipe up spills as soon as they happen. Use ceramic or enameled cookware rather than bare aluminum or copper which can leave marks. Season pans properly and use lower heat settings to prevent food burning on.

How often should I descale my Frigidaire induction cooktop?

Check for mineral deposits around the burners monthly. If crusting has occurred, use an induction cooktop descaler. White film can be polished away with a bit of non-abrasive scrubbing compound.

Is it safe to use baking soda and vinegar to clean an induction cooktop?

Yes, a paste of baking soda and water or a mix of vinegar and water can safely lift some dried food messes. Rinse thoroughly after scrubbing to prevent vinegar from damaging the surface over time.

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